30 Days of Superheroines – Day 04!


In honor of Bonnie and Lola and THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING we continue our 30 Days of Superheroines!

So today is my birthday…which made me think I should do Rogue (a favorite)…but I have SO MANY images of Rogue that that post is going to take FOREVER.

So instead you get Psylocke, who I don’t have a ton of great ones of, but the few I have are really fantastic. Plus, Psylocke always gets screwed, the art of her is always SUPER over-sexualized…so this is a nice change of pace here.

UPDATE: I had WAY more of these than I thought I did!

Via Trozos

Via Mooncalfe on Deviant Art

Fun story, Ross never used to draw Psylocke, and then he and I got talking about a project we wanted to do together that we loving refer to as “Mad Max X-Men” and I told him we definitely…

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